Space trash: Elon Musk's 5,000 satellites orbiting the Earth

 There are almost 9 thousand visible stars in the sky. There are 5 thousand Starlink satellites in Earth orbit. 

Five thousand satellites have been launched into Earth orbit. For comparison: there are almost 9 thousand visible stars in our sky. The last, five thousandth Starlink satellite was launched into orbit on August 26, 2023. The video shows how huge Musk's (and others') investments are. In the future, SpaceX plans to deploy an orbital constellation of 12 thousand spacecraft (and in the future - of 30 thousand) to create a full-scale network that will allow all inhabitants of the Earth to use the Internet, Interfax clarifies. Scientists are worried that due to satellites it will soon be impossible watch the stars. ScienceAlert reports this. Scientists complain that SpaceX satellites emit low-frequency radio waves that interfere with radio telescopes. Elon Musk's company promised to solve the problem.

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