How to transfer a WordPress site to another hosting?

What is a WordPress migration?

WordPress site migration is a process in which the contents of your site (including database, files, settings, etc.) are transferred from one server (hosting) to another. It can be comparable to moving to a new house: you need to pack all your belongings, move them to your new place and unpack them.

What are the ways to migrate a site?

  1. Manual Migration : This is the most complex method and requires good knowledge of WordPress, databases and FTP. Involves manual copying of site files and database export/import.
  2. Using plugins : For WordPress users, there are special plugins that simplify the migration process. These plugins automate most of the work.
  3. Migration Services : Some hosting providers offer migration services where hosting specialists handle the entire site migration process.

Top migration plugins

  1. Duplicator : One of the most popular migration plugins. It creates an archive of your website and database that can be easily transferred to another server.
  2. UpdraftPlus : Apart from backup features, this plugin also offers migration tools.
  3. Migrate Guru : A plugin focused on simplifying the migration process without putting your site at risk.
  4. All-in-One WP Migration : A plugin that provides reliable migration without size restrictions.

How to transfer a website using Duplicator?

  1. Installation and activation : Install and activate the Duplicator plugin on your current website.

  1. Create a package : Go to the Duplicator section and select "Create New". Follow the wizard's instructions to create a site archive.

    1. Uploading files to new hosting : Download the archive and the installer.php file from the Duplicator section. Then, using FTP or your hosting control panel, upload these files to the root directory of your new hosting.
    1. Run the installer : In your browser, go to the address follow the instructions. The installer will ask you to provide information about the database on the new hosting.
    1. Site Test : Once the migration is complete, test all pages of the site to make sure everything is working correctly.
    1. Update Data : If your domain remains the same, update your details in Settings > General in your WordPress admin panel.

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